I forbindelse med vores YoJo doulauddannelse underviser international ekspert i præ- og perinatal psykologi Anna Verwaal to online foredrag i starten af juni 2023.
Begge foredrag henvender sig til ALLE mennesker, der vil udforske hvordan deres undfangelse, tiden i mors mave og fødslen har formet deres liv.
Begge foredrag henvender sig også til ALLE med interesse indenfor epigenetik og præ- og perinatal psykologi. Så lige fra professionelle, der arbejder indenfor graviditet, fødsel og barsel, til doulaer, behandlere og ikke mindst (fremtidige) forældre.
From Womb to World lecture – The Journey That Shapes Our Life:
The latest research and findings in epigenetics & prenatal and birth psychology
✴ Cellular memory of the conception experience
✴ The emotional connection between the fetus & mother, and the influence of the father/partner
✴ Medical procedures that affect the fetus later in life (fetal reduction, amniocentesis, ultrasound)
✴ How prenatal experiences shape beliefs, fears and show up in our lives (IVF, twins, adoption, previous loss, grieving womb syndrome, etc)
✴ Longterm effects of the birth experience (labor induction, vacuum, c-section, prematurity, etc)
✴ The effect of prenatal and birth experiences on fertility, pregnancy, labor and giving birth
Læs mere om Anna og foredraget om Hormonal Physiology længere nede på siden.
Begge foredrag undervises online, så du følger med via Zoom hjemmefra.
Pris og praktik
Online foredrag From Womb to World:
Lørdag d. 3. juni 2023
Kl. 9.30 – 16.00
Pris 995 kr.
Foredraget foregår online via Zoom, og du modtager en mail med et link til Zoom-mødet en uges tid før.
"Imprints of the prenatal and birth experience can have a profound effect on our adult lives. Anna will introduce us to the relatively new and exciting field of epigenetic science and pre and perinatal psychology, and explain why this information is so relevant for doulas, midwives and (prospective) parents, and how to incorporate this ground-breaking information in our lives.”
The hormonal physiology of pregnancy, birthing, bonding, breastfeeding and beyond
Dette online foredrag er for ALLE, der er interesserede i at vide mere om hormonernes rolle under graviditet, fødsel, amning og moderskab – og hvordan man kan bruge denne viden.
Dette kommer Anna ind på:
✴ Mother Nature’s design for the safest birth experience for mother and baby
✴ The role of the ecstatic labor hormones on every stage of labor and birth
✴ The effect of these hormones on the mother and baby before, during and after birth
✴ Umbilical cord procedures, placental transfusion, stem cell collection & lotus birth
✴ The impact of the birth experience on autism, asthma & auto immune disease
✴ How routine hospital and medical procedures & medications interfere with hormonal physiology
✴ The longterm effects of this interference on the mother, baby and society
Søndag d. 4. juni 2023
Kl. 9.30 – 16.00
Pris 995 kr.
Foredraget foregår online via Zoom, og du modtager en mail med et link til Zoom-mødet en uges tid før.
About Anna:
Anna Verwaal is a maternal-child health nurse, conscious conception & birth consultant, doula & midwifery instructor, primal period & UCLA certified lactation educator, and birth photographer from the Netherlands.
She currently travels internationally to lecture and teach workshops for birth professionals, doulas and (prospective) parents about the cellular memory of the birth experience, the hormonal physiology of childbirth, breastfeeding & bonding, and the deeply psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects of giving birth.
During her workshops Anna combines the latest research in Pre- and Perinatal Psychology & Health with her own sensitive birth photography and more than 30 years experience of working in different countries as a nurse, birth-consultant and doula, along side perinatologists, obstetricians and (indigenous) midwives attending hospital and home births.